Meadow Space

2025 sees the start of our Meadow Space project, with the development of a new wild flower meadow on the site. Sitting in glorious Suffolk countryside we are surrounded by rolling fields of farmland, vital for the country’s food production and long term sustainability. We are lucky to have skylarks nesting close by and have even been visited by otters seeking prey. But shockingly, the UK is in the bottom 10% globally for biodiversity as one of the world's most nature-depleted countries, with on average only about half its native species left - far below the global average of 75%.

Wildflower meadows create a riot of biodiversity and beauty; they are a haven for a huge range of native plants and animals, including pollinators, birds, and mammals. Here in the UK they have declined significantly since the 1930s, with the country losing over 97% of its wildflower meadows, equivalent to 7.5 million acres. This is due to a combination of factors including climate change, modern farming practices, and urban expansion. So in our corner of England we are going to change the direction of travel and establish a new meadow for visitors to the Barn Space to enjoy, and provide opportunities to get involved.



August - late summer topping the field, clearing cuttings, exposing soil by scarifying. September - sow Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor), the wildflower that's known as "nature's meadow maker" because it helps create and maintain wildflower meadows. It's a hemi-parasitic plant that attaches to the roots of grasses and draws nutrients from them. This weakens the grasses, allowing other wildflowers to grow.


Late March to early May - sow mixed native wildflower seeds. This needs a regular spell of warmer weather ideally consistently over 10 degrees C so we will be monitoring the forecasts very carefully!

It can take between three and five years for a wildflower meadow to become fully established, so patience is vital. If you would like to know more or get involved in the project please get in touch either through our Contact Form or email us on